Personal details of student


    First Name*
    School Attending

    Contact Details of Parent/Guardian

    Name and Surname*
    Phone number
    Choose the SEMAS course*
    Choose the KIDS course*

    Choose your SEMAS center*

    Residential Address


    Yes, I give permission for my child to have their picture taken and used for marketing purposes


    Yes, my child is allowed a lolly after class

    Please list any learning/medical/educational concerns your child might have or any difficulties our teachers should
    be aware of:

    General Details

    How did you hear about us?




    News Paper


    Ref. by Friend





    Tuition fee structure (select one)
    - Refer to the Important Notice to view the options

    Declaration of Parent/Guardian


    I undertake to absolve SEMAS ACADEMY AUSTRALIA and its Centres / Franchisees / Employees / Owners from any claims arising due to injury, loss or damage caused to any child/children or possessions during the period of study, competition, presentation, demonstration.


    I have read and understood the Important Notice and rules and regulations governing enrolment and undertake to be responsible at all times for the good conduct and behaviour of myself and my child / children and for all the pending fees. I will not claim for partial/full refund of fees after accepting the courses and signing the Enrolment Form.